Positive Behaviors Intervention Supports (PBIS)
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(310) 970-2915
More About PBIS
What is PBIS?
The Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports program is based upon a philosophy of recognizing positive contributions of students. Our goal is to help each child develop self discipline.
The home and school share the responsibility for developing good citizens. Parents, teachers and students must work together to maintain a safe learning environment.
As a part of PBIS, teachers, administrators, counselors, and support staff will have the responsibility to teach positive behavior expectations to students. PBIS means students will know exactly what is expected of them. Students who take responsibility to behave positively will be recognized and rewarded in a variety of ways.
PBIS means students will know exactly what is expected of them. Students who take responsibility to behave positively will be recognized and rewarded in a variety of ways. Students will also know the consequences that will result when they choose NOT to meet the school-wide expectations.
PBIS at School
At Smith Elementary we promote Safe, Respectful, and Responsible behavior!
- Walk safely
- Stay in appropriate areas
- Keep hands and feet to yourself
- Give your best effort
- Stay on task
- Be prepared
- Treat others the way you want to be treated
- Clean up after yourself
- Complete your work
- Follow directions
PBIS at Home
Affirmations that your child can use to reinforce positive behavior at home:
- I play safely with others
- I avoid stranger
- I stay in designated areas
- I speak nicely to others
- I am truthful
- I listen to my family
- I finish all of my homework
- I pick up my toys/clothes when I am finished with them
- I go to bed when I am told
- I am prepared for the next school day
Your role as a parent
- Ask your child to tell you about school expectations for behavior
- Discuss ways that these expectations can be used at home and in the community