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Meet Your Principal

Message from Principal Cristal Moore

Photo of Cristal Moore

Welcome to the 2023 - 2024 school year! You are a valuable part of our school community and I invite you to join us in the wonderful teaching and learning that occurs every day. You can support your child and our school community by joining the PTA, attending our School Site Council/English Learner Advisory Committee meetings, participating in our parent workshops, and joining us at our Family Night events. I will share a weekly newsletter which outlines upcoming events and highlights the wonderful things that are taking place at school. I also encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

This school year, Lucille Smith Elementary and the Lawndale Elementary School District will focus on the following four goals:

  • Goal 1 – Increase Academic Achievement
  • Goal 2 – Ensure Access & Equity
  • Goal 3 – Improve Parent & Student Engagement
  • Goal 4 – Provide 21st Century Learning Environments

Thank you for your support and commitment to your child’s education. I look forward to meeting our new students and greeting returning students and families.

Cristal Moore
Principal at Lucille J. Smith Elementary School


Leadership Team

Principal Cristal Moore

Cristal Moore is the Principal at Lucille Smith Elementary School. In this role, she is responsible for creating a schoolwide vision that is committed to increasing student success and establishing a positive school culture and safe learning environment. 

Mrs. Moore is a UCLA graduate, where she received both her undergraduate and Masters in Education. She has spent 25 years serving LESD as a teacher in both elementary and middle schools, supported the professional development of teachers as the middle school math TOSA, and was previously the assistant principal at Jane Addams Middle School. Mrs. Moore’s varied experience has enabled her to gain a unique perspective on identifying the needs of students district wide. 

Mrs. Moore is passionate in providing students the tools they need to thrive and grow as learners. She recognizes that the first step in learning is to ensure that students feel safe, respected, and valued to help create a learning atmosphere where their voices are heard and their opinions matter. You are welcome to contact her at if you have any questions or would like to learn how to get involved in supporting Smith Elementary School.